Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals.
By mail:
LMN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION, P.O. BOX 242141, Memphis, TN 38124-2141
Since the inception of the LMN Scholarship Foundation, our friends, family and partners have helped us succeed. We depend upon their support in making a dream into a reality for these young people to attend a college or university of their choice and improve their lives.
We invite you to become a sponsor of the LMN Scholarship Foundation to help today’s youth become the leaders of tomorrow. We encourage you to support a child and make a difference in their lives today!
You truly have made a difference!
With gratitude,
LaTrina Macon Norman
~LMN Scholarship Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Keirra Mc Glown, Melrose High School Graduate at 2016 Class Day is pictured with the Founder, LaTrina Macon Norman of LMN Scholarship Foundation.